Everybody must sacrifice a little bit in order to coexist together.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Coolest pitch I've ever seen

I dont know if anyone has ever seen this but it is Kaz Tadano's eepheus pitch. Talk about cant get your timing down when facing this guy he throws a 45 mph eepheus pitch then a 75 mph slider, and then might bust a 88 mph fastball. NO THANKS, just ridiculous

Why oh Why?

Why on Gods great green earth is America being overtaken by people who don't even listen to what we have to say. And guess what its not just one party, its both Republicans and Democrats. They are both selling us down the river, for nothing more than power and please the party they are a part of. They don't care about the average Black, White, Asian, Mexican, Indian, Chinese, Vietnamese person working in this country. All they want is our tax dollars to spend, spend, spend. Even though they're raising the national debt, and the deficit under Obama and Bush before him faster than any president ever in history. They want your vote then they get in and they do what they want. Oh sure they may throw some money your way in the form of pork barrel spending to get certain projects to your town or county, and then they say, see here i brought the community money to further the development on your city or where ever you live. What a LOAD of Crap. Like i said they are out for 2 things.

1. Work for the party they are affiliated with, and to further the agenda of the establishment, and not their constituents, doing the bidding of special interest to keep themselves in power for more than a term or two.

2. These weasels get a sense or power and pride when they think they have us in their pockets, they think they will never leave that particular office(other than president, they kinda have to after 8 years)if they keep feeding the lines of crap that are shoved down our throats daily. Its all a big bunch of Lie's people.

And its up to us to change it. We can no longer sit back and listen to our Ipods 24 hours a day and get lost on our cell phones or on the computer or watching TV thinking that nothing going to happen to us. Because it already is happening to us, just look at the news, these morons at certain news outlets are praising Barrack Obama for killing a fly today, saying how smooth he is and rainbows appear around him when he speaks and all this typical liberal spin. And its just not the liberals.

The republicans are just as much to blame allowing big oil to screw us in the rear end with gas prices, bringing us prescription drugs(thank you Bushy). Not passing laws to protect us against what democrats did to Fannie May and Freddie Mac, by telling them to give people loans when they knew the bank knew, that them people that were loaned the money, that they could not repay the mortgage on the house.

Both are at fault for the mess we are in, put down the games and Ipods and start reading whats going on in our world, don't sit back and just wait for another election cycle and then get some what involved, it is our patriotic duty to keep these people accountable. And when one of them screws up and doesn't do what there constituents in there county or district or state what they need and deserve, they need to be kicked out of office to using our trust for political purposes.

It is time to start paying attention and getting our heads screwed on straight other wise it will be too late and we will not get our country back. Rise up and call you Representative or Senator and tell them to start doing the job they were elected to do, and that's the will of the people that voted that person in. It is time to rise up and take our country back and get it back to how our founders intended by getting back to the Constitution of the United States. I got news for all you Schmucks who claim to do the will of the people who voted you in, you will not be in office anymore if you do not clean your act up and do what is right. GET IT DONE!